書籍名: |
Arata Isozaki 磯崎新
著者名: |
Ken Tadashi Oshima |
発行所: |
判型: |
295×260 |
ページ: |
287 |
価格(税込): | ¥ 6,600 | 価格(税別): | ¥ 6,000 |
発行年月: |
2009.03 |
商品コード: |
Y1484535 |
品切 / 探求書申込扱いとなります。
洋書 |
テキスト英語 磯崎新作品集。6つの章で構成され、各章はケン・タダシ・オオシマによる紹介から磯崎自身によるコンセプトの小論が続き、その後に写真や図版、スケッチなどを掲載。1960年代から最近の作まで網羅されている。 ■目次 ・Texts Writing on Architecture by Arata Isozaki Paradoxical Processes by Ken Tadashi Oshima ・Process Introduction Process Plannning Theory by Arata Isozaki Ruins by Arata Isozaki Cities in the Air/Electric Labyrinth exhibition/Oita Prefectural Library/Nishi-Nippon CityBank-Head Office/Qatar National Library ・Genesis Introduction The Metaphor of the Cube by Arata Isozaki A Method to Manipulate Meaning by Arata Isozaki Kamioka Town Hall/The Museum of Modern Art、Gunma/Okayama West Police Station/Art Tower Mito/Milan Fiera Redevelopment/The Museum of Contemporary Art、Los Angeles ・Atlas Introduction Of City、Nation an Style by Arata Isozsaki From Panopticon to Archipelago by Arata Isozaki Tsukuba Centre Building/Shenzen Cultural Centre/New Entrance to the Cultural Centre of Caixa/Nagi Museum of contemporary Art/Akiyoshidai International Art Village ・Trans Introduction Space of Darkness by Arata Isozaki Ma-Space/Time in Japan by Arata Isozaki On Utsu、the Void by Arata Isozaki Coporeal-Real and Hyper by Arata Isozaki Ma-Space-Time in Japan Exhibition/Ceramic Park Mino/Festival Plazza、Expo'70/Turin Ice Hockey Stadium ・Isle Introduction Invisible City by Arata Isozaki City by Arata Isozaki Mirage City-Another Utopia/Nakayama House/Aska Houses/Hano House/Aoki House/Kaijima House ・Flux Introduction Architectrue by Arata Isozaki Florence New Station/Fujimi Country Clubhouse/Kitakyushu Central Library/Museum of Japanese Art and Technology/Domus-House for Humankind/Sant Jorudi Sports Hall /Kyoto Concert Hall/Nara Centennial Hall ・Notes ・Bibliography ・Biograghy ・Selected buildings ・Index ・Credits