書籍検索 新刊300 雑誌 洋書 古書 全集 特価本 シリーズ 建築用途 プロのノウハウ 建築家




書籍名: Structural Genius
Bawo mataluo Village, Nias Island
著者名: Fani Atmanti, Dini Aiko
発行所: Tananusa
判型: A5 ページ: 128
価格(税込):¥ 5,500価格(税別):¥ 5,000
発行年月: 2020.10 商品コード: Y2724551
品切 / 探求書申込扱いとなります。

テキスト インドネシア語・英語
インドネシア人建築家 ファニ・アトマンティ氏とディニー・アイコ氏による、インドネシア・ニアス島のバウォマタルオ村についての共同研究書。※ポストカード2枚付



This Structural Genius Book is a collective documents from the research journey of the two Indonesian architects : Fani Atmanti and Dini Aiko in Bawomataluo Village, Nias Island Indonesia. The book tells about the idea of the world and space for Nias people, their culture and beliefs, the connection between their cultural activities and house space, and a record about how is the con dition of the current Omo Hada (traditional house in Nias Island), and how it has survived for about hundred years after earthquake, disaster, and change of lifestyle in modern life.

The Nias tribe who goes by the name Ono niha is currently inhabiting Nias island, Indonesia within three geographical settlement areas: the north, the central, and the south. All buildings are typically built as stilt house, whose structure majority is made of local timber, and whose roof is made of sago palm leaves.
The entire exposition about Omo hada (traditional house in Nias Island) is broadly about the dualism in roles of Omo hada which has two main spaces, tawolo (front of the house) and foroma (back of the house), whose basic purpose is to obtain sociological and cultural balance among the people in Bawomataluo village. This strengthens the existence of Omo hada which is inseparable from the life of Bawomataluo community. The Omo hada can be regarded not only from the spatial physical point-of-view, but also as a representation of the life cycle from the birth to the death and even to afterlife. Omo hada (traditional house in Nias Island) is also built based on the villager idea and belief about the world, life cycle and cultural activities. The space inside the house has close relation to their daily activity inside the house.

Language : Indonesia and English

表紙アジアのまち再生 社会遺産を力に
表紙集落が育てる設計図 アフリカ・インドネシアの住まい
表紙フィールドで考える2 東南アジア・地中海沿岸1974-2009
表紙復刻 デザイン・サーヴェイ 『建築文化』誌再録
表紙建築フィールドワークの系譜 先駆的研究室の方法論を探る

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